1. Просто перепиши 2 предложение полностью
2. «well, I’m sorry”, “but I don’t see what the point is of homework”
3. Class disliked her because she had a show-off clothes and because of her hair left hanging down the back of her sweater and her having the crust to argue with teachers
1.a page that is linked. .
2.a site on a internet ....
3.a speaker of....
4.the knowledge....
Our life consists of a number of relevant features. And the main component without any doubt is the condition of our body. Its health or illness depends on many factors such as an ecological situation of an area, a genetic state of parents, but the main role is devoted to a person and his or her own attitude to themselves. In general, people all over the world are interested in keeping fit and staying health in spite of the country they live in, but some peculiarities differ.
Unhealthy habits ruin our health. Britain and the USA on this point are much healthier than we are, as they have less unhealthy habits as tobacco-smoking, drinking alcohol and taking drugs. Moreover they always have mass actions against unhealthy habits and rather strict rules, whereas Russians don’t think much about an extra drink.
And finally, healthy lifestyle is the most important point as it depends on a strength of our will. Unfortunately,
Russian people are not keen on dieting, jogging, brisk walking and doing fitness. Europeans are much wiser at this aspect, as they run every morning, try to avoid fats and invent more new diets and ways of slimming. Sometimes we borrow them but we are not eager to follow their courses as statistics says that the average Russian person is slimmer and healthier than the European one.
So summing it up, we can draw a conclusion that the ways to make your body healthy are available in all countries of the world but their real use depends on the person's intention to stay healthy and energetic till the old age.
A. Mr.Collins and Mrs.Collins get up at seven o'clock.
B. They get up, what do they do at nine-thirty hours?
Екатеринбург известен как город, который стоит в двух частях света, на границе между Европой и Азией. Сердце города является так называемая Plotinka (300-летний плотина). Это место, где старые железные работы раньше. Плотина отделяет реки Исеть от пруда города, который на самом деле тот же Исеть, но гораздо шире. Вы можете взглянуть на этот небольшой водопад и имеют очень короткую прогулку по главной улице, проспект Ленина, до площади 1905 года. Главная улица пересекает город плотину. Существует памятник основателям города Екатеринбурга там. Этот 9-футовый памятник В. Татищева и В. де Геннина возводится прямо на том месте, где они построили свой первый железный завод в 1723 г. Он был открыт в августе 1998 г. 275-летия города. Сам памятник представляет собой две фигуры мужчин, одетых в куртки oldfashion Петра Великого эпохи, в париках с завитками. Один из них имеет треуголку на голову. Их лица и внешность, как братья-близнецы. То есть, как скульптор П. Chus