<span>1. Asia is (larger) than Europe.
2. Which is the (biggest planet in the solar system?
3. This is the (shortest way to the station.
4. The cat is fatter than the kitten.
5. You are a (happy) boy! <span>
6. Which is the (smallest planet in the solar system?</span></span>
Gregory M. Tyutyunnik - a Ukrainian writer, novelist and poet, was born on April 23, 1920 in Poltava. He studied at the University of Kharkov. He volunteered for the combat, was seriously wounded two times and twice escaped from captivity.
Later he was a teacher and worked in "October" magazine.
Gregory Tyutyunnik died on August 29, 1961 in Lviv.
My favorite book by Grigor Tyutyunnik is "Klimko". The hero of the story, a boy named Klimko, graduated from elementary school and unexpectedly became an orphan. Despite all the hardships he did not have his heart hardened, he did not get tough, but was a kind and generous person. Klimko and his friend Zulfat began to take care of their teacher. In order to make the life of the woman with a child easier, Klimko goes out in search of salt. Through many hardships the boy managed to get some salt. But back home in his native village he met his death. Seeing a prisoner of war who was running from a soldier, Klimko helped him, but was shot and killed. "A thin stream of salt was running down on the road from the shot-through bag."
This summer I was in Greece.This country is beautiful.I swam in sea with my family.The sea was very big-I love it.One day I saw a boy,who couldn't swim!But he was 18 years old.I thought it was very strange.We lived in the coolest hotel in the Greece-"Independence".It was 5 star hotel.I liked sunbathing and swimming-it's my favorite hobby.
В расовом отношении аборигены Австралии образуют отдельную — собственно австралийскую ветвьавстралоидной расы[3]. Австралийская цивилизация является одной из старейших непрерывных культур в мире[4].
Численность составляет 437 тыс. (2001, перепись), в том числе 26,9 тыс. чел. на островах Торресова пролива. Аборигены островов Торресова пролива культурно отличаются от прочих аборигенов Австралии, имея много общего смеланезийцами и папуасами.
Ныне большинство аборигенов опираются на государственную и иную благотворительность. Традиционные способы жизнеобеспечения (охота,рыболовство и собирательство, у части островитян Торресова пролива — ручное земледелие) почти полностью утрачены.
True - истинное а vagigian - не знаю вроде нет такого слова это может быть какое то название