Перевод :У меня был друг которого звали Петя . Мы с ним дружились с самого детского сада . Мы любили играть с ним в догонялки. Мы всегда бегали , прыгали и играли в прятки . После садика мы всегда ходили с мамами на игровую площадку . Петя был курносым .Он был кучерявыми блондином. Мы с ним всегда улыбались смотря друг на друга . Но один раз он заболел и пришлось у ехать в другую страну и больше я его не видел .
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I had a friend whose name was Peter . We be friends since kindergarten . We loved to play tag with it. We always ran , jumped and played hide and seek . After kindergarten we always went with their mothers to the Playground . Peter was a snub .He was curly blonde. We always smiled looking at each other . But once he got sick and had to go to another country and I did not see him .
я не знаю кто там на какой-то картинке так что все будут из Джостаров.
Joseph Joestar is blow a party horn.
Grandma Erina is talking on mobile phone.
Jonathan is dancing.
Lisa Lisa is playing the drums.
Jotaro Kujo is eating the sandwich.
Jolin Kujo is bringing a cake.
<span>Two-headed snakes have
been found in the United States. Gordon Burghardt, zoologist at the University of Tennessee, has
studied several two- h e a d ed snakes and he says that sometimes the heads become so aggressive and
even try to eat each other! </span><span>A lack of understanding between two heads can lead to even greater
difficulties: a predator would quickly swallow the hesitant snake. Two heads are NOT always better
than one'. Even in captivity, there are problems. Food should be given
to one head first and a moment later to the other one. If both mouths
are busy chewing, they won't attack each other. Thelma and Louise, a
two-headed snake at the San Diego Zoo had 15 normal babies. Indy the
snake has 26 brothers and sisters but because she's one of a kind,
she could one day be sold for about $500,000 to a zoo or a collector. The two- h e a d e d monsters of myth may
have a basis in reality.</span>
<span>1. WILL I see you before you start? 2. What WAS he DOING when he CAME home? 3. Where WILL they go if the weather IS fine? 4. He WILL ring me up when he returnS home. 5. If it RAINS, we WILL stay at home. 6. She WILL walk home if it IS NOT too cold. 7. I am sure he WILL come to say good-bye to us before he leaveS St. Petersburg. 8. Please turn off the light when you leave the room. 9. If we ARE tired, we WILL stop at a small village half-way to Moscow and have a short rest and a meal there. 10. If you miss the 10.30 train, there is another at 10.35. 11. She WILL make all the arrangements about it before she fliES there. 12. Before he startS for London, he WILL spend a day or two at a rest-home not far from here.</span>
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