Было это какое часть речи?
Сестра спрашивает!
Ответ в приложении......................
1)It will take you only 10 minutes if you go by underground(это займёт лишь 10 минут,если вы воспользуетесь метро).
2)You will be late if you don't hurry(ты опоздаешь,если не поторопишься)
3)We'll have dinner as soon as it is ready(мы будем ужинать,как только всё будет готово)
4)I will know something about London after I go on a trip there.(Я буду что-то знать о Лондоне после того,как я уеду)
5)I will ask a policmen in the street if I get lost(Я спрошу у полицейского на улице,если потеряюсь)
6)We will buy a guidebook before we go to France(Мы купим путеводитель прежде,чем отправимся во Францию)
On of the finest(Одна из лучших улиц Лондона-Риджент-Стрит)
the biggest(Мы можем найти самые большие магазины Лондона здесь)
is wider and deeper(Нева шире и глубже,чем Москва-река)
is milder(Климат Англии мягче,чем климат Восточно-Европейской части России)
is fresher and brightet(этот цвет сочнее и ярче,чем тот другой)
2. He was appointed chairman at yesterday's meeting. (2)
3. After a two-hour break our team played much better. (2)
4. My daughter-in-law's house is two steps away. (2)
5. In the near future I'm going to buy a new watch. The old are always behind. (3)
6. This company had three times more employees than ours. Unfortunately, it went bankrupt. (2)
7. He believes that it is meaningless to expect changes for the better. And I think that you need to keep your head high! (3)
8. This is too good an opportunity to not take advantage of it. I hope everyone here understood me! .. (2)
9. Hotel "Hilton" is located near the Fifth Avenue. It will happen to you to visit New York, be sure to go there. (3)
10. His harsh words made Clara silent. (2)
east or west home is best
there is no place like home
the englishmanəs home is his castle
who travels far knows much
so many countries so many customs
every country is strong by its tradition
if you are tired of london you are tired of life