So, once upon a time, I desided to get into a drug trade. I think watching "Breaking Bad" had a lot to with that. I found a meth recipe on-line. Thus I hit hard my chemistry books with some additional tutoring. And came up with a business plan to ensure that I can maintain a healthy profit margin. After that came the most difficult part - execution. I will not bore with details, mostly to avoid self-incrimination, but I shall mention that not everything happened as planned. Some of my friends and I experienced highs and lows of the illigal drug trade. We've met new people, lost some of the team. And most importantly - we've made a lot of money. Unfortunately I need to legalize this huge pile of cash that we got laying around, so now we are working on a new plan. We are thinking about getting into money laundering bussiness and moving to London. Therefore, here I'm, working on my English skills.
1) how are you
2) I know I didn't write to you
3) went
4) planed
5) was
6) saw
7) took
8) heard
9) will go
10) will have a great time
1. How are you different from yourself five years ago?
2. How do you get people to do what you need?
3. What is success?
4. What can you do best? How do you develop this skill?
5. What is your main interest besides work and family?
Однажды, страрая леди посетила свою подругу. Она с попугаем поехала туда (прим: дословно "путешествовала") на автобусе. Они чуть не опаздали на него, но им повезло, автобус, немного опаздал (они успели). Они взяли билет, и показали кондуктору. Подруга старой леди, ждала её на автобусной остановке. Её попугай не мог дождаться прихода домой. Вот уже 5 часов, время чая. Они постелили маленькую скатерть и поставили мёд на стол. Подруги были на кухне, попугай сидел на столе, где стояла любимая еда.