A. 1.anything, 2. everyone, 3. everything, 4.anyone, 5.someone, 6.everyone. 7.anything
1 will Kate go to London next summer?
Where will Kate go next summer?
Will Kate go to London or to Moscow next summer?
Who will go to London next summer?
Kate will go to London next summer, won't she?
Will they eat out tomorrow ?
When will they eat out?
Will they eat out tomorrow or next week?
Who will eat out tomorrow ?
They will eat out tomorrow , won't they?
will John go to the pub to meet his friends and have a chat?
Where will John go to meet his friends and have a chat ?
Will John go to the pub or to the caffe to meet his friends and have a chat?
Who will go to the pub to meet his friends and have a chat?
John will go to the pub to meet his friends and have a chat, won't he?
Will Mary cook several national dishes?
What will Mary cook?
Will Mary cook several national dishes or porridge ?
Who will cook several national dishes?
Mary will cook several national dishes, won't she?
Would we prefer English tea with milk to coffee?
What would we prefer to coffee?
Would we prefer English tea with milk or juice to coffee?
Who would prefer English tea with milk to coffee?
We would prefer English tea with milk to coffee, wouldn't we?
I saw a lot of film, but my favorite film is "the Maze Runner". Plot of the film is teenagers life in very crazy place.They are not forgot their own name . When Tomas gets into the maze.Its have a change . Their outside the maze , but is not the end This film have 3 part . It is very the best film.I am should see its
Maxim doesn't want to be a producer.
They don't like watching comedies.
. Kate is not good at music.
. He didn't enjoy the film
Nina hasn't finished reading The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
People have not traveled all over the world.
Дорогой Дэнни,
Привет!Как дела?Надеюсь,что ты в порядке (досл."всё отлично")!
Мне очень нравится наше новое жилище (досл."место").Это красивый большой дом возле моря за деревней.
Дом двухэтажный.В нём 3 спальни и ванная на первом этаже.Гостиная и кухня на первом (досл."на земельном") этаже,ещё одна ванная - за ними.
Кухня очень большая,и в ней много буфетов (серьёзно!).Гостиная прекрасна - в ней стоит бабушкин антикварный (старинный) диван,а также (имеется) прекрасный камин.Напротив него стоят три удобных кресла.
Моя любимая комната - спальня.Она находится на первом этаже напротив комнаты родителей.Здесь есть компьютер (на моём столе/парте) и много плакатов на стенах.У меня хорошая кровать и большой гардероб возле окна,правда (досл."но") у меня ещё нет телевизора.Перед домом - большой сад и гараж для наших двух машин.
Это наш новый дом!Надеюсь,скоро ты сможешь к нам приехать (досл.посетить его (дом)).Скучаю без тебя.
С любовью,