1-It is in the court?2-Where is Papa?'3-Where were you yesterday?4-My books are on the столе.Где are they now?5-My mom yesterday was not the работе.Она was дома.6-My friend is in the Park It in школе.7-Morrow at three o'clock Kohl and Misha will be in дворе.8-We were not in the South of the past летом.Мы were in Москве.9-They were not in kino.10-They are not in школе.11-They дома.12 " You were in the Park yesterday?13-He was at school yesterday? 14-He was рабочим.15-She was a teacher
Ответ: 1. Change... changeable
2. Affection...affective
3. ... heat ...heated
4. expectation...expectable
5. addition add
6. become extinct
7. reduction ... reduced
THE British flag is made up of 3 colours: red, blue and white.
The colour Red represents the blood that was poured during all the wars that Britain had participated in.
The blue colours represents The sea which surrounds GB and the clear sky.
And the white colour means purity and prosperity.
Фламинго (лат. Phoenicopterclassae) - единственное в отряде фламиногообразных семейство птиц с длинными тонкими ногами и гибкой шеей, большим выгнутым книзу клювом, роговые пластины языка и челюстей которого помогают ему фильтровать пищу, добываемую из воды и ила. Задний палец на лапах либо слабо развит, либо его совсем нет; передние пальцы ног образуют собой плавательную перепонку. Flamingo (lat. Phoenicopterclassae) - only in the unit flaminogoobraznyh family of birds with long, thin legs and a flexible neck, a large curved beak down, horny plate tongue and jaw which help him to filter food from water and extracted sludge. Rear finger on the feet or poorly developed, or it does not; front toes form a swimming membrane.