<span>1. Television has a strong (effect) on public opinion.
2. He said that the chairman had been (persuaded) by the reporter to open the doors on the meeting.
3. We are (convinced) in the importance of the media dialogue.
4. New technologies (affected) the emergence of new media.
5. She aims to (persuade) readers to do something about the problem.</span>
Після того як ми пофарбували двері, ми не поставили ящики з фарбою, де вони лежали. Ми поспішили, тому що нам довелося зустрітись з нашими друзями в аеропорту о 7 годині ранку. Коли ми повернулися додому, ми побачили, що сталося щось жахливе. Наш пес Рекс став жовтім у багатьох частинах його тіла. Він напевно сидів на дивані, або, можливо, спав на ньому, тому що там були жовті сліди. Перш ніж ми пішли, я поклала свою нову білу блузу на крісло. Я не маю модної блузки більше. Рекс теж торкнувся.
Bikes, farms, parks, boxes, foxes, potatoes, tomatoes, apples, nuts, carrots
Why dont we run away
its holiday today
play the drum
for your dad and mum
Описание верхней (самой первой) фотографии.
This photo was taken 5 years ago in the mountains in France, when I went on vacation.
In the photo tourists, who also rested there at that moment, after a while we became close friends with them.
There are you can see that the tents are set up, a tourist base is formed and people are looking at the incredible landscape. Later they told me that they were shocked by this view, the magical atmosphere of freedom, which they never felt, struck them.
I keep this photo in the album, because it is wonderful memories. The photo is breathtaking and, as it seemed to me, there were random people in it. It is incredible how a random photo turned out to be non-random.
I decided to show it to my friend, because the history of this photo is important and interesting for me.