1) the best
2) more
3) friendlier
5)more difficult
6) warmer
7) the worst
8)more happily
Решение ниже. Могу объяснить каждый пункт
7. demonstration
8. demonstrate
9. demonstrative
10. perform
11. perfomance
12. performer
13. tolerant
14. tolerante
15. tolerance
16. visual
17. visually
18. vision
не забудь поставить сердечко)
Computers are here to stay, whether we like them or not. They are part of the juggernaut of the Industrial Revolution which began in England with textile making. This put many independent weavers out of jobs. I think the most important thing to recognize about computers and the other innovations that go with it is that it keeps changing the job market. It has been said that a person should expect to change jobs several times during his or her life. The only way for an intelligent person to cope with this frightening reality is to keep preparing for new developments. And the best way to do this is through "continuing education." You have to foresee what is going to happen in your particular field of interest and source of income and be prepared to adapt to the new conditions. The best way to do this is through education in school, because the teachers know what is coming better than almost anybody else. There are plenty of good jobs for people who are prepared to fill them. But people who just want to feel comfortable in their present jobs and spend their time at work watching television or playing video games may be in for a rude shock if and when their job is eliminated or taken over by a robot!
1)The Caterpillar asked Alice who she was.
2)Alice said that she didn't understand it herself.
3)Alice asked to tell her who you were.
4)The Caterpillar cried that he wanted to tell you something.
5)The Caterpillar asked if you wanted to stay as big as you were.
6)She answered that wanted to be a little larger.