<span>1. There isn't a fridge in the kitchen. можно еще по-другому: There is no fridge in the kitchen.</span>
<span> В кухне нет холодильника.</span>
<span>2. Steve watches TV in the living-room .</span>
<span> Стив смотрит телевизор а зале.</span>
is mary like read detective stories
who likes read detective stories
does mary like read detective stories
what mary like to do
mary likes read detective or romantic stories
Hello! My name is Angelina. I graduated from Grade 8. At school I was good learning. My favorite subjects - a Russian, literature and history. Also I'm in music school. There I learn singing, playing the piano, ear training and music history. I want to become a music teacher and pass on their knowledge to others. Music is my interest. I also have a hobby. Already a year I go to drama school and I like the theater. In my spare time I like to spend for an interesting book. Read prefer fiction, classic novels and lyrics. And of course when I get time, I will devote a part of their family. My family is big and friendly. When we get together, we like to share news and interesting stories or play board games. <span>There are many reasons why I want to study in England. I will list the main ones. Firstly I can visit the beautiful and historically important places. Secondly, I find new friends. More importantly, I will look into the history and culture of another country. Of course, I'll practice more in English. All this is very interesting to me. I hope that I will succeed. </span>
Хоть моя семья и вносит небольшой вклад в помощь природе, но это лучше чем ничего. С большой уверенностью могу сказать, что мы выбрасываем мусор только в мусорные баки и стараемся не загрязнять окружающую среду! Though my family and does little to help nature, but it's better than nothing. With great confidence I can say that we throw out garbage only in the trash cans and try not to pollute the environment!Отвечаю, за такое училка точно поставит 5+!
First of all let me introduce myself. My name is Nastya and i live in the biggest city of Russia and its capital - Moscow.And now I would like to describe my daily routine. Usually i wake up at 8 o'clock because i go at school. After the lessons i return at home, i eat and i start to do my homework. When i finish to study i like watching TV. I can say that i am a fan of different serials and especially i like to watch ... Besides i like to go to the cinema with my friends. We go there near 3 times in a mounth to see the new movies. Another thing that i like to do after studying is listnening to the music. I like different kinds of it but my favorite are rock, indi-rock and hardcore. In the evening before to go to sleep i prefer to read some books or comics - another my hobby. I have a really large collection of them.
I hope that it was intresting for you to know a little about me,my hobbies and interests.