The 20th Septembet
Class work
1takes part
3take park
4to win,beats
6to appear
7to be
8 holds
Это не точно но я проверяла переводила и правильно
1) shy
2) lazy
3) generous
4) pessimistic
5) impatient
6) rude
7) talkative
8) funny
9) friendly
10) kind
(см. вложение со словами)
2) honest - dishonest
3) fit - unfit
4) polite - impolite
5) tidy - untidy
6) lucky - unlucky
7) loyal - disloyal
8) tolerant - intolerant
2) fit
3) impolite
4) untidy
5) tolerant
6) honest
All the wars stopped for the olympic games.
1. calm
2. connected
3. [сам хз]
4. [сам хз]
5. stove
6. generation