Dogs - собаки. Остальное не при чем
When it comes to "home feathered pet," we often remember the first thing budgerigar. Indeed, this little charming, not demanding to bird care often becomes the favorite of the whole family. Budgie is perfect for keeping at home - is social, it is extremely easy to tame, he loves to communicate with a person amenable to training (able to pronounce words and sounds). Due to its small size, for the maintenance of budgerigar does not require a lot of space and a large cage. Life expectancy budgerigar 10 years, some individuals live up to 25 years.
Тут что на самом деле написано на английском языке
I think, that before it was worse, than now, because people were working from dusk till dawn. And now we have a rest very much. We have a computer games and TVs. In modern times appear new technologies and medications. But it was not always, all of this was not ten years ago. Everybody was living differently.
как-то так))
Это слово было заимствовано из польского (gitara), а восходит к греческому kithara. Любопытно то, что русский язык заимствовал это слово дважды: помимо гитары есть в русском и кифара (так называют древнегреческий щипковый музыкальный инструмент), которое пришло к нам непосредственно из греческого.