Infinitive: to thing
I often think about it.
I am thinking about it.
I have thought about it.
I have been thinking about it.
I thought about it.
I was thinking about it.
I had thought about it.
I had been thinking about it.
I will think about it.
I will be thinking about it.
I will have thought about it.
1. The cat was run over by a car 2. Windsor Castle was destroyed by the fire in 1992 3. The actors will be met at the airport by someone 4. The work must be finished by her today 5. He should be visited by us
To lunch - действительно вполне себе самостоятельный глагол и его можно использовать без have.
Но раз в данном случае его нужно употребить, то воспринимай это как устойчивое выражение, по типу have breakfast)
Речь идёт о литературных жанрах.
1. Dr<u>a</u>m<u>a</u> - Драма;
2. <u>C</u>omed<u>y</u> - Комедия;
3. N<u>o</u>v<u>e</u>l - Роман (новелла, повесть);
4. M<u>y</u>ster<u>y</u> - Мистика;
5. Su<u>s</u>pen<u>s</u>e - Саспенс (у нас чаще этот жанр используется в фильмах, когда зрителя держат в постоянной готовности (ожидании) какого-то не очень хорошего события);
6. <u>S</u>cien<u>c</u>e fi<u>c</u>tion - Научная фантастика;
7. Fai<u>r</u>y t<u>a</u>l<u>e</u> - Сказка;
8. Legen<u>ds</u> - Легенды;
9. M<u>y</u>th<u>s</u> - Мифы;
10. B<u>i</u>ograp<u>hy</u> - Биография;
<span>1) Is my sister leaving to her place at the moment? 2) I read this book yesterday.3) You will play the piano tomorrow.4) We are returning from the museum now.5)Our friends do not see Mary every day.6) Had the new school begun working last year?7)He often speaks to me.8)He was discussing that problem the whole morning yesterday.9)I shall not read this article at two o'clock tomorrow.</span>