Best of all I like melodrame,comedy,thriller.I often watch thriller films.My favorute film are "The Humfer Games","Colombiana".
I want to tell you about "Colombiana".Cata(full name-Cataleya) was nine years old,whaen on her eyes severly killed her parents,becaus her father worked the drug lord from Bagota.Girl managed to break away from bandits,to reach USA and to find refuge in Chicago in her uncle.Cata is fifteen years old.Cata is a professional killer.She want to avenge the death of parents.Cataleya calls him on Marco's cell phone,but Don Luis laughs and says that he will kill her and she will never find him because he is never where Cataleya wants him to be.Pepe's two attack dogs are right behind Luis seat and Cata say"Eat" through the phone and this dogs ate Marco.She killed all the enemies and evenged the death of parents.
The first of March - первое марта
the second of March - второе марта
the third of March - третье марта
the fourh of March - четвертое марта
Первые три порядковых числительных - исключения,эти формы надо просто выучить. Все остальные порядковые числительные образованы при помощи суффикса th. Запомнить и выучить это правило не так уж и сложно! Хотя при образовании этой группы числительных в некоторых из них меняется корневая гласная буква. Смотри эти изменения в своем учебнике.
Had we been playing for two hours yesterday when Tom arrived? Yesterday we hadn't been playing for two hours when Tom arrived.
Had I been waiting for Bob for two hours when it was 3:00 pm? I hadn't been waiting for Bob for two hours when it was 3:00 pm.
1 находить find found.2. Iie.3.meant.означал означаемое 4. understand понимать 5. основывать.found 6. rebuilt. восстанавливать 7. Знать. know 8.stood. стоял 9. Писать. write 10. bring приносит
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