Э супэр кэт на английском
1) Has he got any fresh newspapers?
2) Is anybody from the Financial Department here?
3) Is anything in what he says there?
4) Are there any of my friends there?
5) Did anybody know at the lecture?
6) Is any water in the kettle there?
7) Have I got any money?
8) Is he going to buy any books?
<span>Вы согласны или не согласны со следующим высказыванием?
Лучше иметь обширные знания из многих научных дисциплин, чем специализироваться на одной конкретной теме.
Используйте конкретные причины и примеры для поддержки вашего ответа.<span>1.Я так думаю что нет лучше дисциплина должна быть у каждого человека ,а знания можно получать на уроке или в учебнике . Дисциплина показывает как человек воспитан , показывает каков человек и как его воспитывали.
In Tambov there is the museum (an analogue of the famous Kunstkamera) -Museum of sin. it is located on Sovetskaya 93 street. In Museum of sin there is a collection of medical pathologies collected by the pathologist Yuri Kirillovich Schukin. He took the cadaver, most clearly illustrate the adverse consequences of human vices — alcoholism, drug addiction, Smoking, etc.
As for me, i find this museum so interesting and informative. If I were you, i would definitely visit it.
Present Simple
(+) I/you/we/they --work (ед. ч.)
he/she/it --works(мн. ч.)
(-). i/you/we/they-- do not (don't) work
he/she/it--does not (doesn't) work
(?) i/you/we/they--Do work?
he/she/it--Does work?
Present Continuous
(+). i—am ('m) working
he/she/it—is('s) working
you/we/they —are (' re) working
(—) i — am not ('m not)working
he/she/it— is not (isn't)working
you/we/they—are not (aren't)working
(?) am — i working?
is— he/she/it working?
are— you/we/they working?