<span>1. Встряхни устройство, чтобы извлечь нож. 2. Захвати нож и помести его на меню инструментов. 3. Разрежь листья на две части, чтобы открыть углубление. 4. Треугольник и знак "reverse" (назад) являются подсказками. 5. </span>Наклоняй устройство так, чтобы шарики закатились в углубления и сформировали правильный треугольник.: в верхнее углубление, нижнее правое и нижнее левое.
<span>1. My work had no mistakes. It was the best in the class.
2. He was one of the noisiest people at the party.
3. My sister is 4 years younger than me.
4. My old house was smaller than the new one.
5. Who was the quickest in the competition?
6. I’m afraid my report was the most boring of all.
7. What is the warmest season in your area?
8. Pop music is much more popular than jazz.
9. The longer the flight, the hungrier you feel.
10. As a rule, Monday is the busiest day of the week.</span>
<span>A33. 4. Not at all.
A34. 4.I don't think he's got a chance to get the job.
A35. 4) D E В А С F</span>
We'll be in Ausralia for the year
English has become a inernation ...