Get fit, does, stopped, ate, get, lose, had, drink
OTHER DISEASES ARE, and most often from mikrobov.Bolezni treated, but not izlechimye.Bolezni off and are different according to the type of people slozhnosti.chasche colds
At the present stage, it seems to me, we seem to have forgotten that all people on Earth brothers and sisters. I believe that it is not cliche, but a truism that everyone has to realize and accept. What can you say about the people who live in one country. Anthem, for me, is not just beautiful music, but also a simovol unity of the people, his majesty and glory.
- Scottish accent - шотландский акцент
a global crisis - глобальный кризис
a scientific society - научное общество
- international cooperation - международное сотрудничество
- dangerous energy - опасная энергия
a terrible shock - ужасный шок
а huge pile - огромная кипа
a smiling picknicker - улыбающийся участник пикника
2. get up
3. get
4. plays
Когда ты употребляешь he/she/it то добавляешь s
если i/we/you то просто ничего