2/ is starting
3/ is wearing
4/ visits
5/ is going
6/ promise
7/ is getting
<span>8/ is hitting</span>
The girl asked if I could show her that hat
The old man asked the boy where the nearest metro station was.
Mother said to Jonny not to swim too far
Steve said to Lizzie he wished their lessons had been over.
Alice said that if she was me she would stop smoking.
Open the brackets and choose the right tense.
She asked me whether I remembered the legend about the Lion.
He could not understand why people didn't want to take water from the well.
He said he would leave the next morning.
She says she has already find the book.
The policeman asked George where he was running so early.
Дождик идёт
Песни поёт
Качели стоят
Спать не хотят
(запятые и точки не работоют)
Это глагол to be.Он используeтся тогда когда в прeдложeнии нeт дeйствия. Для каждого лица он свой: I am
We, you are и т.д.
a lamp - behind
DVD`s - on the table
an indian rug (ковер)- under (под) the table
The TV - in front of (перед) the window
piano -in front of the wardrobe (гардероб)
guitar - next to the piano
CD`s - in the bookcase - я их не вижу -:-) это ответ в книжном шкафу
under - под шкафом
сomputer - on the desk
computer games - next to the Computer
mp3 Payer - тоже не вижу: in front of - перед / next to - рядом
bed - next to
cushions (подушки) - on it
books - under the bed
trainers - behind