I love to ride my bike with friends. I already know how to do some simple tricks. and I know how to ride on one wheel and braking sharply
Shall I wash the car. Shall I close the wimdow. Shall I do the dishes. shall I write a letter? shall I buy the ticket. shall I go to the supermarket. shall I buy fruit and vegetables
1.1.---; ---;
2.---; ---; 3.a;--;---; 4.a;---;the; 5.a;---;---
2.---;---; 3.---;the; 4.---;---; 5.---;the
</span><span>3.1.a;---;the; 2.---;---;the; 3.---;---;---;the;---; 4.---;a</span>
It is cold today, isn't it?
It was so cold, that we can't feel our body
It was warm yesterday
There is warm weather in Spain
I'm strong man
That man was strong when he was young
He was late yesterday
The latest tram was an hour ago