<span>A zoo is a place where various animals, reptiles, mammals, insects and birds are kept. Sometimes you can see rare species of animals there. Usually zoos don’t contain domestic or farm animals, but sometimes there are children’s areas with such creatures, as donkeys, mini-horses, sheep, geese, pigs, rabbits and even pheasants. These are secluded areas where children can pet and feed animals. A visit to the zoo can be both entertaining and educational. There we can learn new facts about animals’ lives. Due to quick urbanization and deforestation many species cannot live in their natural habitat anymore. That’s why zoos and reservations exist. Opinions on advantages and disadvantages of keeping animals in the zoos differ. Some people think that zoo is a perfect place for animals, as they are always fed, well-treated and live in good conditions there. Besides, people are happy to have a chance to see wild, beautiful and exotic animals in live, to learn more about their behavior and lifestyle. From the other hand, animals have to live as close to their natural habitat as possible, for example, near forests, rivers, savannahs, jungles, safari, etc. in this respect, open zoos or wildlife reserves are much better. They usually occupy vast expanses of land and let the animals move around instead of sitting in a cage. These areas are protected and supervised by the government. Thus, animal preservation, as well as pros and cons of the zoo are a frequent topic of discussion.</span>
Все очень просто, there будет использоваться везде, теперь перейдем к is и are. Is используются ТОЛЬКО С ЕДИНСТВЕННЫМ ЧИСЛОМ. Are используется ТОЛЬКО С МНОЖЕСТВЕННЫМ ЧИСЛОМ.
Как понять какое слово в ед. числе, а какое в мн. числе!? Все так де просто. В большинстве слов во мн. числе используется окончание s или es. А так же существуют исключения: foot-feet(нога-ноги),child-children(ребенок-дети).
Dear Santa, For christmas this year i would love to see two plane tickets to Germany and snowboard. My old dream is TV. My little brother wants to see a tidy bear unde christmas tree. My sister wants to fly in Paris because she has got friends in Paris. My mum and dad would like to see a car key, they need new car. I just want to see a little car, i like cars and motorcycles. I believe that you can put it under tree!
Христиане чтут пятницу как день,когда умер Иисус Христос.В пасхальное воскресенье Он воскрес 40 дней перед пасхой называют постом.В эти дни христианам нельзя есть мясо. Есть некоторые символы,символизирующие пасху.