2. you don't like playing the
3. my mum wants to listen to music
4. we like drinking milk
5. my friends hate to wash the dishes
6. Katie doesn't like riding her bike
7. I want to read my magazine
8 the boys love to watch films
If you have bad grades in exams you failed them
Под снежным одеялом.В толще снега множество ходов, лабиринтов, в которых кипит жизнь. Пушистые мелкие звери спешат раздобыть себе пищу. Это лемминги, полевки, землеройки, родственники кротов. А на поверхности бегают мышки в поисках ягод, орехов, семян мягкой коры молодых деревьев.
Как они поддерживают нужную температуру тела? У многих не только зимняя шубка, но и собственная "печка"- быстрый обмен веществ. Землеройки за день съедают столько личинок и насекомых, сколько весят сами. А малая бурозубка съедает даже больше. Поэтому практически все время они тратят на то, чтобы прокормиться.
Эти мелкие зверьки составляют главное меню хищников, в том числе сов, горностая и ласки.
<u />Under a blanket of snow. Deep in the snow a lot of moves, mazes, full of life. Fluffy small animals in a hurry to get their own food. this lemmings, voles, shrews, moles relatives. And on surface of a mouse running around in search of berries, nuts, seeds, soft bark of young trees. How do they maintain the desired temperature of the body? Many not only winter coat, but also its own "stove" - fast metabolism. Shrews per day eat as many larvae and insects as weigh yourself. A small shrew eats even more. Therefore, almost all the time they spend on something to eat.
These small amount to the main menu of predators, including owls, stoat and weasel.
In 1597 so-called Petrov the drawing, or Godunov-sky the plan in which basis the first Russian plan of Moscow is put abroad has been published. Petrov the drawing has been found out in Peter I office (from here its name) and published in Russian in 1838. This plan possesses, undoubtedly, большей reliability, than the drawing of Gerbershtejna. Red Square "Portrait" appears on it with full distinctness though instead of habitual orientation of a vertical axis to the north - the south she specifies a direction the West - the east.
<span>Along the Kremlin walls the ditch with the bridges thrown over it near Nikolsky and Frolovsky towers is clearly visible. The area is much wider, than today, - in the east reaches lines of modern journey of Sapunova (бывш. A vetoshnyj lane) and the Crystal lane. It is already considerably built up by numbers of the benches, three ledges extending to the Moskva River. </span>
<span>Behind Vasily Blazhennogo's cathedral small church Nikoly Moskvoretsk, and behind it - four numbers of the benches which subsequently have received the name of Zhivorybnogo of a number stretched to a kitaj-city wall, and two small churches (apparently is visible, to Spasa Smolensk with a side-altar). To the east of a cathedral well distinguishable Place of execution. By it passes the wooden scaffold conducting from Frolovsky gate of the Kremlin to Ilyinka. The same scaffold was stretched from Nikolskys of a gate to Nikolsky street. Between these scaffolds on the drawing four are visible церковки and a log hut. On that place where nowadays a building of the Historical museum, two log huts are shown, and to the east of they be numbers (later an Icon number) and separate structures.</span>
На английском языке "психолог " пишится psychologist .