<span>..Every day we can see different tips of programs on TV. <span>Such programs as “Wonders field”, "What, Where, When”, “A Hundred to One” are my favorite ones, because they are both informative and interesting.</span><span>But best of all I like the programs of “Travellers' club”, because it gives me a chance to travel of other the world with out living home </span><span>Broadcast for schools are produced on five days of the week, during school hours.I love to watch TV at the weekend</span></span>
Это наша планета.Ее имя-Земля.Она движется и вращается вокруг Солнца.Она треть по счету от Солнца.
На нашей планете 6 континентов(или материков, как хочешь):Южная Америка, Северная Америка,Африка, Австралия, Евразия,Антарктида.Самый большой материк-Евразия.Самый маленький-Австралия.
Наша планета-наш дом.Какой чудесный этот дом!В нем очень много красивых мест.Океаны:Тихий, Атлантический,Индийский, Северно-Ледовитый и Арктический.В нем леса, джунгли, горы,каньоны, вулканы,пустыни.Как это замечательно, видеть это самостоятельно!
1) I have two pens. This one is not very good. I think I should give you the other one.
2) These apples are very tasty. Can I have another one?
3. I have two sandwiches. One is with ham. — Please give me the other one. I don't like ham.
4) Children's books are boring. — You don't have to read them. There are other books in the bookcase.
5) Do you want to go camping with us? — No, thank you, I have other hobbies.