ˈнейчэ ˈмэднис ˈмембэз тук пат ин лотс ов<span> </span>
ˈафтэ-скул экˈтивитиз. зей тук ˈкласиз ту файнд aут эˈбaут пэˈлушэн<span>, </span>
ˌриˈсайклин энд ˌконсэˈвейшэн. зэ хоул тим хелпт ту мейк зэ ˈкласиз<span> </span>
мо<span>р </span>ˈинтристин бай ˈюзин ˈпикчэз энд ˈвидиоуз энд соу он. ˈафтэ зэт, зи
ˈмембэз ˈогэнайзд ˈдифрэнт иˈвентс энд экˈтивитиз сач эз ˌриˈсайклин о<span> </span>
клин-ап дейз, ˈплантин триз, энд ˈхелпин стрей <span>ˈэнимэлз</span>
1. I remarked that it was not so foggy that day as it had been the day before.
2. The night watchman reported that they couldn't open the safe on the spot so they had carried it away with them.
3. The new employer asked if he had done that sort of work earlier.
4. She asked what she would say if the police stopped her.
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In our time, many people are afraid of the dark. I too. Every evening i turn my big lamp. I can't without my lamp. I think I'm being watched.. In the dark I see different monsters. My parents said:that in the dark no nobody. I don't believe. I see them, their scary tentacles, their scary faces , their legs , so why they said: there no nobody? I understand, that they can help me. In my bed, I hide under the blanket legs. I think under my bed lives big monster. I'm afraid for him. I struggle with my fear at the moment.
1.has to 2.must 3.should 4.must 5.can,can't 6.have to 7.have to 8.can 9.may 10.may,may