<span>зять даже такую примету с солью, будто, если её рассыплешь, то поссоришься с кем-то из своих близких людей, вот такие они, суеверия русские. Но и здесь есть своё обоснование. Дело в том, что в Древней Руси соль стоила больших денег. Её утрата могла привести к рукоприкладству. Вот отсюда и такое поверье.</span><span>Оказывается, такое предвзятое отношение именно к чёрным кошкам идёт из древней Руси. В то время хозяева боялись выгнать это животное из дома, так как очень им дорожили, считая его членом своей семьи. Бегающая по селу, кошка означала несчастье. Но со временем количество этих бродячих животных становилось всё больше и больше, и данный предрассудок стал относиться только к чёрным кошкам. Ведь издревле чёрный цвет у всех ассоциируется с нечистой силой.
1. He was sure that they work together. 2. He thought that his comrades work in the morning. 3. He thought that his comrades work, and did not want to interfere with them. 4. He knew that they had never worked before. 5. He believed that they would work together. 6. She knew that they usually get up at 8 o'clock. 7. She did not know that they were waiting for her. 8. She did not know that he had already bought a dictionary. 9. She knew that the boy was interested in history. 10. She said that this professor is giving lectures on history. 11. He said that the professor is giving a lecture. 12. I was told that the lecture will start at 5 o'clock. 13. I did not know that you also like music. 14. I thought they knew each other since childhood. 15. She said that it was raining and that we had better stay at home. 16. She said she thinks that tomorrow will be fine weather. 17. Yesterday I wrote an article that I will be reading at the end of the month at the meeting of the department. 18. The schoolboys were told that the water consists of two gases. 19. I thought my sister knew them well. 20. I thought she knew them long ago. 21. I was told that you have been reading this book for more than a month; It's time for you to return it to the library. 22. The other day Elena received a letter that was very upsetting, but about which, I'm sure, she did not tell anyone.
<span>I'm a student.
The castle was built in the 13th century.
I will take our son to the Zoo on Sunday.
Please, wait for me at the station.
Do not go out late.
Are you going to have a party next week?</span>
In my country lot of popular TV programmes . For example : NEWS,Sport programm, films and lot of different games.
4. Holmes jewels valuable