It is difficult to say with certainty what kind of music do I close. On the one hand, the choice depends on my mood and on the other , the music itself sometimes creates mood , penetrating the soul and turning everything in it. For serious and solemn moments good classics, especially Bach . They are immutable and at the same time changing , solemn and Amazing . They describe the passage of time and the fleeting moment. For background music or lyrical mood , I would chose rock ballads that have become classics of the genre
<span>They are devoted to the eternal and changing theme - love , unobtrusive and humane. And when the mood is fun and relaxing , I want to listen to the Latin American motifs that capture the ringing guitar strings in ugly dance</span>
Поездка мне очень понравилась* Напишите о поездке, которую вам больше всего понравилось.* Объясните, почему очень понравилось.* Проиллюстрируйте историю с фотографиями.
1. We cooked special foodfor the party.
2.There was a dig parade in the streets of New York.
3. In the evening, there was lrish music with cards.
4. There were twenty-one candles on Lucia's birthday cake
5. At night we watched beautiful fireworks
6. We sent text massages, email and traditional dancing
7. There were a lot of sweets andchocolate for the children
1 The best pupil in my class is ...(напишите фамилию лучшего ученика в вашем классе)
2 The best day for me is Sunday.
3 The worst season for me is autumn.