1. I went to the movies last night.
2. She didn't eat at the Chinese restaurant.
3. When did they visit San Francisco?
4. Who did you call?
5. Who did you call last night?
6. Why did she call her mother this morning?
7. He didn't have money.
8. Where did you fell?
9. Did she drink a glass of milk?
10. Where did she find the ring?
11. You didn't finish your dinner.
<span>interest + ing = interesting
beauty+ful = beautiful
glory+ous = glorious
1. Solved - причастие 2, часть сложного дополнения
3. Explaining - причастие 1, определение
4. Being - причастие 1, обстоятельство причины
5. Dressed - причастие 2, обстоятельство времени; looking - причастие 1, обстоятельство сопутствующих обстоятельств (не знаю, как грамотно по-русски выразится, на английском это an adverbial modifier of manner/attending circumstances); silvered - причастие 2, определение