Plump - Толстеть, толстый ,
<span>1. A sound of violin is heard in the hall.
2. He is always praised by his father </span>when he works hard.
3. My sister's friend is often taken by her to the theatre.
4. I am waken by my mother at 7 o'clock every morning.
1. The envelope was found by her behind the dining-room clock .
2. This book was bought by her a week ago.
3. This picture was painted by a great artist.
4. The window was broken by John the other day.
1. I shall post this letter tomorrow.
2. They will discuss the report next week. 3. The secretary will change our time-table in two days. 4. Tom will meet us at the station.
1. The secretary has just brought the files. 2. Jack has just broken a cup. 3. My little brother has spoilt his toy. 4. She has done the room carefully.
1. Breakfast is being cooked by them.
2. The carpet is being cleaned by her.
3. The text is being translated by me.
4. The ruled are being learnt by us.
5. An interesting story is being told by him.
1. She was shown the shortest way to the station by them.
2. I has been taught English by my mother.
3. Many questions are asked by us at the lectures.
4. An interesting story has just been told me by Tom.
5. This book will be lent me by her next Sunday.
6. Newspapers and magazines are delivered by the postman every day.
7. Her name was told us by her after it had been asked by us twice.
8. A letter has been sent her brother by me.
9. A song is being sung by us.
10. The words are beung written by the teacher on the blackboard.
Вместе с возникновением первых древнерусских поселений в конце VIII — начале IX века на их территориях появились иностранные монеты. Прежде всего, это куфические
серебряные монеты (дирхамы), которые в больших количествах завозились мусульманскими купцами с Ближнего Востока и из Средней Азии и их торговыми партнерами и посредниками из Хазарского каганата, а с Х века — и из Волжской Булгарии. В исламских государствах-эмитентах
золотые монеты назывались динарами, серебряные — дирхамами, медные — фалсами. Дирхамы стали очень популярны в Древней Руси, их использовали как платежное средство, носили как украшения и переплавляли. На них купцы приобретали меха, очень ценившиеся на мусульманском Востоке, рабов, мед и другие товары. Тесные связи с Византийской империей способствовали знакомству населения Руси с ее золотыми (солидами), серебряными (милиарисиями) и медными (фоллисами) монетами. Со второй половины Х века начали поступать серебряные денарии из стран Западной Европы.
<span>1. A new student doesn't speak foreign languages very well.
2. She didn't tell me anything
3. When I speak very fast my friend doesn't understand me
4. My father usually says: "Live and learn".
5. Our teacher will tell us about the trip tomorrow
6. Martin and Jess said that they were happy to see us again
Общий: Did i get <span>up very early?
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Альтернативный: </span>Did i get <span>up very early or very late?
К подлежащему: Who </span><span>got up very early? </span>