Болезнь начинается с повышения температуры, легкой головной боли и вялости. В течение одного - двух дней появляются пятна, на груди или спине, которые скорее похожи на маленькие волдыри. Такой новый «урожай» волдырей продолжает появляться 2-3 дня, а старые волдыри покрываются коростой. Волдыри очень чешутся, и ребенок может поцарапать некоторые из них.
Ветрянка обычно легкое заболевание, и никакого особого лечения не требуется, кроме того, чтобы сохранять кожу чистой и использовать некоторые успокаивающие средства от зуда. Зуд также можно снять, купая ребенка с небольшим количеством соды, 2-3 раза в день. Антигистаминный сироп для снятия зуда следует давать только по совету врача.
Как и в случае с корью, нет смысла держать других детей в семье отдельно, если они были уже подвержены этому заболеванию, и так же это хорошо для них, чтобы переболеть и покончить с ним.
What colour is sooty?- sooty is black
what is the name of the black and white cat ?-its name is smoky
what colour is the tiger? white
smoky-black and white
tiger -white
Вот лови
Me and my computer
Me and my computer is always helping each other, we're friends, you might say. However, sometimes, it brings me, ill and requires careful maintenance, but more often, it's my fault. So I do not take offense. I just call master and he leads my computer in order. I think now life without a personal computer is very difficult, as it facilitates a lot of things and incredibly saves time and effort. It helps me to print text and check spelling errors, said bad phrase, but, most importantly, gives you access to limitless information that is on the Internet. My computer allows me to find what I want, what I'm wondering, it works, to me it was good and easy to find any information.
Although, I must say, I not only find information and learn something new on the internet, I still can not find a lot of entertainment. To do this, the computer is also very well suited. I can play a variety of games, I can lay out the card or drive a virtual machine. Although I can not learn to drive a car on a computer, but I can train your reflexes and skills to teach traffic rules and do lots of other interesting things that sometimes in real life can not be done. For example, in the summer I can plunge into the winter if the game interface winter, or vice versa.
Although I love my computer, sometimes I have a lot of problems, because I do not know how to divide their time. So says my mother. I'm starting to play any game, or I go to the internet, and I completely forget about time, because the games and everything else is completely absorbed my attention. I forget, it's been a few hours since I sat at the computer. And remember only when tear myself away from the screen. Of course, this is not always the case. Sometimes I can not find anything interesting, and just turn off the computer, because I have a lot of interesting things, such as books.
<span>Another big plus computer - is the ability to watch movies. It is very convenient that do not need to depend on advertising and schedules. You can watch any movie, when you want it, not when he goes on TV or in the movies. I love to watch movies and I'm glad that my computer helps me to realize my desires. Now I can watch interesting movies and cartoons when I want, and in such amount, and what I want.</span>
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