Three thousand five hundred thirty, eight thousand eight hundred forty, three hundred sixty five, one thousand six hundred thirty seven, two hundred fifty seven, five hundred forty, ninety six, <span>one thousand nine hundred eighty four.</span>
Моя маленькая кузина Анна
In our city, very different weather. Sometimes there are rains after which there is a rainbow. In winter we are cold, the wind blows and it's snowing, but we do not lose heart, but we go play snowballs and skate and sled. In the spring we often have rains. In the summer, we get very sharpy and it's getting sunny, that already blinds our eyes, but we like to walk and go to the sea, play ball. In autumn we collect bouquets of fallen leaves from trees.
1 was 2 decided 3 went took 4 I was cycling I saw
5 was mowing his wife was picking 6 appeared and started 7noticed and told me to come in. 8 it was raining I was sitting 9 came out 10 thanked and moved on.