Do children usually sleep soundly?
Children usually don't sleep soundly.
Is the secretary typing a letter now?
The secretary is not typing a letter now.
Is the Sun shining brightly now?
The Sun is not shining brightly now.
Do Englishmen speak seldom at breakfast?
Englishmen don't speak seldom at breakfast.
Do I read books and listen to music every day?
I don't read books and listen to music every day.
Is the cat running along the wall?
The cat is not running along the wall/.
Is my father reading a book now?
My father is not reading a book now.
Does he leave house at 9 o'clock in the morning every day?
He doesn't leave house at 9 o'clock in the morning every day.
Is he always forgetting phone numbers?
He is not always forgetting phone numbers.
Are they having an English lesson now?
They are not having an English lesson now.
My brother has a ravenous appetite- У моего брата волчий апетит
My sister likes to make an elephant out of fly- Моя сестра любит делать из мухи слона
My mother Was dog-tired-Моя мама устала как собака
my sister is rapid as a hare- моя сестра быстрая как заяц
<span>1) These goods will leave our warehouse in 3 working days.
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11) We will be very glad to deal with any further questions.
12) The are two or three things to clarify before going forward with an order. </span>