1) Michael Jorda<u>N</u> was selected to play in 13 All-star games. He <u>must</u> be one of the best basketball players in the world.
2) The MTV Music. Awards start in an hour. If we don't miss the bus, we <u>may</u> make it.
3. Frank doesn't know how to swim. He <u>can't</u> be trying to get into the school team!
4. The weather is very cloudly. It <u>should</u> rain later
5. I'm not sure what we're going to do Saturday night. We <u>might</u> go bowling.
Chose, said, liked, got, brought
Ответ 2) his
My father plays tennis but his favourite sport is soccer
Мой отец играет в теннис, но его любимый вид спорта - футбол
Раньше была тюрьма, а сейчас там либо экскурсии проводятся или еще что-то(точно не помню)
Dear friend! I have not seen you for a long time and have already become bored. It is possible that soon, we will see each other. I want to tell you that I always remember our conversations and adventures. Without you it's sad and I dream that we will again play with you and walk around the city, buy sweet things and relax in nature. Now I'm doing my homework and soon my mom will come. I will help her prepare dinner. Then, probably, I'll watch the movie and go to bed. It's already dark. It is raining slightly. Lately, I've missed you so much! Without you it's very sad, and sad. Now I'm writing you a letter, then I'll go read a book. I have already done the lessons. Soon, my father and mother will come home from work. We will dine. Come visit us. Outside the window is winter snow. Okay, so far, my name is dinner. I'll see you soon, my dear friend!