1. baby -babies
2.glass -glasses
3.shelf -shelves
4.box -boxes
5.dish -dishes
6.sandwich- sandwiches
7.body -bodies
8.family -families
Are the children doing their homework?
Are Jane and Oliver meeting friends?
Is Lilly wearing a pullover?
В данный момент я работаю -I`m working now at the moment
Сейчас я лежу на диване и слушаю музыку -Now I`m lying in the sofa and listening to music
В данный момент я плаваю в бассейне -I`m swimming the pool at the moment
я гуляю по парку -I`m walking on the park
<span>я бегу на автобус-I `m runing the bus</span>
Cave people didn't have TVs.
Cave people didn't wear hats.
Cave people didn't eat sausages.
Cave people didn't drink soda.
Hi Maks, I and my family in the Italian
it`s very nice country the wether is hot and Sunny but now it is raining
Привет макс я и моя семья в Италии это очень хорошая страна погода жаркая и солнечная , но сейчас идёт дождь