Every year I with my family and I went to pick mushrooms in the forest. Usually we go to the forest which is located in the Poltava region. There we are 2 days. When we come home we distribute mushrooms friends, but still we mushrooms remains very much! I love these trips!
Put garbage cans and transition on eco-car
What nasty weather! The morning mist disappeared for some hours.
Nelly works hard at school every day.
<span>Don’t miss the chance! English families are waiting to offer you hospitality.</span>
When I used to love table tennis? When I was a kid I did not use to love table tennis.
Did she use to love going to parties? She did not use to love going to parties.
I need to eat something soon - Мне нужно съесть что-нибудь в ближайшее время. I'm getting hungry - Я становлюсь голодным.
I don't have anywhere to live right now - Мне сейчас негде жить. I'm looking for an apartment - Я ищу квартиру.
We're going to leave soon - Мы собираемся уйти в ближайшее время. It's getting late - Становится поздно.
They don't need their car anymore - Им больше не нужна их машина. They're trying to sell it - Они пытаются продать ее.
Things are not so good at work - На работе дела идут не очень хорошо. The company is loosing money - Компания теряет деньги.
It isn't true what they said - То, что они сказали - неправда. They're lying - Они лгут.
We're going to get wet - Мы скоро промокнем. It's starting to rain - Начинается дождь.