Computer games are gaining more and more popularity nowadays. Some people claim that teenagers get a lot of benefits playing them. But other people argue that young people should spend their free time going in for sport. Let`s look upon this problem objectively and try to understand it.
To begin with, computer games develop memory, because when you play it you try to remember all details. Moreover, it develops logical thinking, language and basic computer skills. Apart from that, you can make virtual friends. So it is another way of communication. And if you like each other, you can meet in the future and become close friends. In addition, playing computer games is a good way of entertainment.
At the same time, computer games have a harmful effect on health. First of all, you can spoil your eye sight. Besides, you sit in the same place and don’t move so you can gain weight. Another point to be made is that a lot of games have aggressive moments and this makes teenagers cruel and causes violent behavior. Furthermore, young people spend too much time on this and it can ruin relationships with people.
To sum up, I would like to stress that the problem has as many strong points as weak points. As for me, I prefer to spend my free time with my parents and friends. Besides, I enjoy going in for sports more than playing computer games.
<span>1. There is much snow in winter.
</span>There was much snow last winter.
There will be much snow next winter.<span>
2. There are many books in our library.
</span>There were many books in our library last year.
There will be many books in our library next year. <span>
3. There is one theatre and five cinemas in this town</span><span>.
</span>There was one theatre and five cinemas in this town 5 years ago.
There will be one theatre and five cinemas in this town in a year.<span>
4.</span><span>There is no lift in our house. </span><span>
There was no lift in our house </span>last year. <span>
</span>There won't be a lift in our house. <span>
5. There is little milk in the bottle.
</span>There was little milk in the bottle an hour ago.
There will be little milk in the bottle in a minute. <span>
6. There are few shops in this district</span><span>.
</span>There were few shops in this district 3 years ago.
There will be few shops in this district in a year. <span>
7. There are three rooms in our flat.
</span>There were three rooms in our flat 10 years ago. .
There will be three rooms in our flat in 10 years .
We can't liv ewith out books! Books are our friend all our life. They give us knowledge and good mind.In an ancient times people wrote books by hand.It was difficult to write a book with a pen.Then printing came to our life.Now there are different kinds of books in the shop.It is difficult to buy all books.That is why we get books from library.Nowadays we can read many books in the inter net.
Встречайте нашу семью. Нас пятеро: мои родители, мой старший брат, моя маленькая сестренка и я. Начнем с моих мамы и папы. Моя мама любит читать, а папа - играть в шахматы с моим братом Кеном. Моя мама стройная и среднего роста. У нее длинные рыжие волосы и большие карие глаза. У нее очень милая улыбка и приятный, тихий голос. Моя мама очень добрая и понимающая. Мы с ней настоящие подружки. Она домохозяйка. Так как у нее 3 ребенка, она всегда очень занята делами по дому. Она заботиться о моей младшей сестренке Мэг, которой всего лишь 3 месяца отроду. Моя сестра очень маленькая и веселая. Она спит, есть и иногда плачет. Мы все помогаем маме и даем ей немного отдохнуть по вечерам. После чего она обычно читает книгу, либо смотрит телевизор. Мой отец - доктор. Он высок и красив. У него темные волосы и серые глаза. Он очень трудолюбив. Он также строг с нами, но всегда честен. Моему старшему брату Кену всего 13, но он уже очень умен. Он силен в математике и часто помогает мне с ней, ведь я с трудом понимаю все эти сложения и задачки. У Кена рыжие волосы и карие глаза. Меня зовут Джессика и мне 11. У меня длинные темные волосы и карие глаза. Я не так умна, как мой брат, хотя я делаю в школе все, что в моих силах. Я очень люблю танцевать. В прошлом месяце наша команда по танцам выиграла соревнование The Best Dancing Studio 2015. Я очень этим горжусь. Я также обожаю помогать моей маме с моей младшей сестренкой. Наша семья очень дружна. Мы любим друг друга и всегда проводим время вместе.
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