Rabbit.He is small.His long ears and fat small tail.He is nice!He is jump and run.He is white,black and gray.
Say , tell -могут употребляться во всех случаях, кроме говорить на каком-нибудь языке. Speak употребляется тогда, когда речь идет о каком - нибудь языке. Основное правило такое, но бывают исключения, например: Can I speak to Mary, please? Могу я поговорить с Мери?
1) nor, 2) was, 3) with 5)of 6)the , 7)as 8)at 9)of
1.We were skiing in the Alps when we saw an avalanche.
We saw an avalanche while we were skiing in the Alps.
2.They were watching the news when the lights went out.
The lights went out while we were watching the news.
3.People were sleeping when the wildfire arrived.
The wildfire arrived when people were sleeping.
4.I was going this exercise when the class finished.
The class finished while I was going this exercise.