Deep thoughts/sleep/purple/cut/ocean
high heels/school/ponytail/mountain/quality
Tall buildings/roller coaster/boots/vase/man
Short skirt/nails/hair/story/dress
1) S is for Sunshine to brighten the spring.
Warming the water, the earth, everything.
2) P is for Posies with colours so bright
Reds, yellows, purples, Oh! What a sight!
3) R is for Raindrops that splash all about
Wetting the earth, so that new life can sprout.
4) I is for Insects that flit through the air.
And tha grasshoppers, beetles, and ants everywhere.
5) N is for Noises I hear when I wake,
The chirping of birds and the laughs children make.
6) G is for Growth that I see around me.
The plants and the animals ... Spring is lovely!
Общего у них много: от простейших функций организма - дыхание, потребность в воде и пище...
Но главное - это ИНСТИНКТЫ. Инстинкт самосохранения и инстинкт размножения. У животных они выражены просто и понятно: кого сам не сожрал, не загрыз, или от кого не удрал - тот сожрет тебя или выдворит тебя с твоей территории. Люди же склонны описывать и поэтизировать свои войны, своеи желания, свое желание обладать - но суть одна и та же: инстинкт самосохранения и продолжение собственного рода
1) When do you go to bed
2) How many travel to school
3) Who can see weekends
4) What you eat for breakfast
5) Where you go on holiday
6) What he watch on TV
1. Three foreign languages are teached at this school by them.
2. This letter was received after his departure by us.
3. All the concert tickets have been sold out by them.