Many lost due to cancer of a loved one, or just heard about the horrors of the disease. They therefore believe that cancer - it is a strong and powerful disease that can strike the human body and completely destroy it. In fact, the science of cell - cell biology - the opposite. Cancer cell by nature weak and poorly organized.Cancer begins with a cell containing an incorrect genetic information that makes her unable to fulfill its function. This cell could get the wrong information because of harmful chemical exposure, other external reasons, or simply because in the process of continuous reproduction of billions of cells in the body from time to time mistakes. If this cell begins to reproduce other cells with the same genetic structure violation, tumors, consisting of a large mass of abnormal cells. Usually protective (immune) system of the body recognizes these cells, destroys them, or at least limit their action so that they could spread. Now "everyone knows" that cancer is caused by carcinogens, genetic predisposition, radiation, or possibly malnutrition. In fact, of these factors alone can not serve as a sufficient explanation of why one person gets cancer and another - no.
Аня и мама Джерри пошли играть в теннис
Глаголы в будущем времени - все глаголы,пред которыми (до подлежащего) стоит will или сокращение *ll. Перевод:
-Что мы будем делать завтра?
-Мы погрузимся (для худ перевода - полетим) в космос. Мы увидим космическую школу
-Мы увидим там компьютеры?
-Конечно, мы увидим
-Мы будем играть в компьютерные игры?
-Да, будем
-ченики пишут и вычисляют в космических школах?
-Нет. Компьютеры вычисляют и печатают вместо них
-Мы вернемся назад завтра?
-Мы вернемся обратно через 2 дня?
-Я надеюсь
Feeling more at ease, the man ...........
Knowing who the man....
Thinking that it was .....
Being afraid of falling .....
Needing a shelter .........