Mett: Privet, Jenny.Are vy osvobozhdayete vo vtoroy polovine dnya?
Dzhenni: Pochemu?
Mett: Pust' eto khodit' po magazinam ya khochu kupit' nekotoryye novyye futbol'nyye butsy!.
Dzhenni: K sozhaleniyu, ya B'yuz vo vtoroy polovine dnya. Kak naschet sobirayetsya zavtra?
Mett: Konechno, eto khoroshaya ideya.
Dzhenni: Khorosho videt' Vas v 5 O, chasy togda.
1. Will you help
2. you are
3. is going
4. Will
5. I am going to
6. degree
7. dry
8. raincoat
9. of course
10. foggy
11. Receptionist
12. 12 days
13. Big
14. 70 pounds
15. breakfast
What note does come after "fa"?
1 happened 2 came 3 had 4 began 5 was doing 6 rang 7 was 8 said 9 had 10 asked 11 left 12 was 13 was shining 14 was blowing 15 felt 16 knew 17 was 18 came 19 found 20 came 21 was sitting 22 stood 23 was looking 24 came 25 looked 26 were 27 wanted 28 is 29 were playing 30 was 31 chose 32 thanked 33 went 34 thought 35 were looking 36 felt
What is there in the living room?