Job work workday information weather money fact document advice meeting mistake task news
1. About
2. Or so
3. Around
4. A couple of
5. Fortyish
6. Loads of
1 waste water - тратить воду
2 have a bath - принимать ванну
3 plant trees - сажать деревья
4 turn up the heating - увеличить температуру отопления
5 recycle paper - переработать бумагу
6 save our planet - спасти планету
7 leave the lights on - оставить свет включенным
8 use a dishwasher - пользоваться посудомоечной машиной
1) What is your new friend like?
2) What was the weather like last week?
3) What was your first day at school like?
4) What are the houses in the street like?
5) what is the resort by the sea like?