1. Первая электрическая лампочка была изобретена в 1873 году А. Н. Лодыгиным, а первая искусственная лампа - П.Н. Яблочковым в 1876 году.
2. Ток в проводнике определяется двумя вещами: напряжением в проводнике и сопротивлением проводника.
3.Вольтметр измеряет напряжение и разность потенциалов в вольтах.
4.Масса измеряется в граммах или килограммах.
1. was invented - Past Simple Passive 2. is determined - Present Simple Passive 3. measures - Present Simple Active 4. is measured - Present Simple Passive.
1. Two Shakespeare's plays have already been staged by the pupils.
2 Dinner has been cooked by her.
3 These articles have been written by Tom Tyler.
1. it is not ....
2.land use not .....
3.such not ....
4.lands are not .....
5.people of the third not ....
6. we not ...
7.they have not
Mother Nature
Butterflies and bees,
Oceans and seas.
Green-green grass,
And big strong trees.
A huge round sun,
In the sky so blue,
Listen to what,
They say to you.
They do not talk,
They do not shout,
But their beauty is what,
Mother Nature is all about.
Очень красивый стих, сама учила его
2 social
4 politicians
5 professions
7 employees
8 qualifications
9 achievements
10 failure