How do you spell your name?
2 we have just cleaned the room.
3 she has just left her bed.
4 he has just phoned his friend.
5the plane has just arrived.
6 it has just started raining.
1. If the weather is fine Jane and her friends will have a picnic.
2. If there is fog Jane will invite her friends to the café.
3. If her parents agree they will take Jane and her friends to the countryside.
4. If it is very hot they will go to the beach.
5. If there is rain they will stay at home.
Первый тип условных предложений -в придаточном предложении употребляется. Present Simple(которое начинается с if),в главном предложении -Future Simple
G asked what it was.
W answered that is was her baby.
G asked if she loved him.
W answered yes
G asked her why she had eaten him then
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