1) You will miss the train, If you don`t hurry.
2) If the weather is fine, we `ll go to the country.
3) I am not sure when Bob arrives.
4) If I see John, I`ll tell him everything.
5) If you phone me, I`ll pick you up.
6) He never tells when he leaves.
7) If you go to bed earlier, you won`t fell tied.
8) Tell Betty If you come to her place.
9) If I stay late, I always get a taxi.
10) If you lose my library book, you will buy new.
Если я не ошибаюсь, то 2 февраля 962 года папа Иоанн хll короновал Оттона l, который захватил Италию
Биографии Шопена, Шуберта и многих писателей зарубежной литературы.
1.They made a cake yesterday.
What did they make yesterday?
Who made a cake yesterday?
When did they make a cake ?
What did they do yesterday?
2.The boys were from Africa .
Who were from Africa ?
What country were the boys from ?
3.He cleaned the board yesterday.
Who cleaned the board yesterday?
What did he do yesterday?
When did he clean the board?
What did he clean yesterday?
Когда Библия установить Семь смертных грехов, они не должны были быть приняты буквально