1-We went on a tramp last Sunday.
2-Granny isn't cooking now.
3-My sister washes the dishes every morning.
4-His parents have already got up.
5-You will not eat ice-cream tomorrow.
6-What did your brother yesterday?
Расскажи о герое-пилоте, который посадили самолет A321 на кукурузном поле. Его имя - Дамир Юсупов.
Ural Airlines A321 airliner operated a flight Moscow - Simferopol, with 233 people on board.(Авиалайнер А321 компании «Уральские авиалинии» выполнял рейс Москва — Симферополь, имея на борту 233 человек)
During the first minute after take-off, birds got into its engines, and the even noise of the motors gave way to intermittent work.(В течение первой минуты после взлета в его двигатели попали птицы, и ровный шум моторов сменился работой с перебоями.)
<span>right ...left
simple... complex
adequate ... inadequate
old ... new, up-to-date
most important ... unimportant
irrelevant ... absolutely necessary</span>
I will go to the cinema next week.
I will watch a new film next week.
I will clean our flat next week.
I will make a present for my sister next week.
I will read new book next week.
I will do my homework next week.
I will swim in the swimming pool next week.
I will celebrate my friend's birthday in the restaurant next week.
I think it's very bad, because nowadays people have harmful habits, for example: smoling,alcohol,drugs.Therefore nowadays fewer people are healthy. Because to smoke, drink alcohol and assume drugs easire than work out.