1. There are nice cities.
2. The roofs of these houses were white
3. Are there geese or hens
4. There are mouses in the cellars
5. <span>Those families are happy
</span>6. The books from these libraries are interesting.
7. Are these teeth or stones?
8. <span>There were geese in the fields.
</span>1. Who can better know my weakness than<u> I</u>?
2. <u>He</u> has never got anything interesting to say.
3. <u>None</u> of those dogs are <u>ours</u>.
4. The child fell and hurt <u>himself</u> badly.
<span>5. Please tell <u>me</u> about <u>your</u> new friends </span>
6. <u>Who</u> wrote the book about the famous Russian sportsmen?
7. It there <u> anybody</u> in the room? <u>I</u> see <u>nobody </u>
8. On the way home <u>he</u> fell down and hurt <u>himself</u>
9. All my sisters live in Summerville, but <u>none </u>of them were born there
<span>10. What are <u>you</u> looking for? </span>
11. The boy refused to tell <u>us</u> anything
<span>12. <u>That</u> is this week`s number one hit </span><span>
I live on a farm.I am pink.I have a little tail.My nose is called a snout.And I say “Oink, oink”.I am ….(Answer: PIG) свинья
My each weekend starts in cafes or restaurants. I enjoy my weekend with family and friends. At the weekend I enjoy shopping. Buying new clothes and things that I want.
One day he came in and I was happy.
I must show her how it's done.