<em>1 My friends </em><em>have got</em><em> a good computer game </em>
<em>2 Olivia </em><em>has got</em><em> a poster of the Arsenal team </em>
<em>3 Tim </em><em>hasn't got</em><em> a black belt in judo </em>
<em>4 We </em><em>haven't got</em><em> a CD by Coldplay </em>
<em>5 I </em><em>have got</em><em> a photo of my class
<em>6 You </em><em>haven't got</em><em> a camera </em>
<em>7 Peter </em><em>has got</em><em> a horrible rat </em>
<em>8 My friends </em><em>haven't got</em><em> pets </em>
I'm very proud of my accomplishments in English. I have finished all of my homework before 3 o'clock.
1 skinny
2 energetic
3 sensitive ???? supportive, sympathetic
4. She is getting on my nerves
5. pain in the neck
1. How old are they?
2. What would they like to have?
3. What is she got?
4. Where is she from?
5. What have they got?
Pen так и будет,все так и будет
Я ціную вільний час і намагаюся його проводити з користю. У кожної людини має бути захоплення . Хоббі приносить радість і забарвлює сірі будні в яскраві тони. Таким захопленням у моєму житті став спорт.
I appreciate your time and try to hold it to good use. Each person must be seizure. Hobby brings joy and drab colors in bright colors. This hobby has become my life spores.