Это с правильными глаголами
Mr Rober, why did choose such a dangerous activity? When did you start climbing skyskrapers? Do you remember your first experience? Do you do any special exercises? <span>Do your friends support you? Do you spend any money on your hobby? How often do you climb skyscrapers? </span>
Was Kate late for school yesterday ? Общий
Who was late for school yesterday? Вопрос к подлежащему
When was Kate for school? Специальный
Was Kate late for school yesterday or last week? Альтернативный
Kate was late for school yesterday,wasn't she? Разделительный
Could Harry swim very well last year? Общий
Who could swim very well last year? Вопрос к подлежащему
When could Harry swim very well? Специальный
Could Harry swim or dive very well last year? Альтернативный
Last year Harry could swim very well ,couldn't he? Разделительный
Did Mary have beautiful flowers in her garden last summer? Общий
Who had beautiful flowers in her garden last summer? Вопрос к подлежащему
Where did Mary have beautiful flowers last summer? Специальный
Did Mary have beautiful flowers in her garden last summer or last spring? Альтернативный
Mary had beautiful flowers in her garden last summer,didn't she? Разделительный
<span>1. I <u>talked</u>
to my parents on the phone last week.
2. The post office <u>opened</u> at eight o’clock yesterday.
3. Mrs. Hall <u>went</u> to the fruit market last Monday.
4. The company executives <u>met</u> at 9.00 last Friday morning.
5. I <u>made</u> my own lunch and <u>took</u> it with me yesterday.
6. Mr. Clark <u>paid</u> his rent on time last
7. The baby <u>fell</u> asleep at three o’clock yesterday.
8. The last bus to downtown <u>left</u> at ten o’clock last night.