Он увидел её со спины и тут же узнал. Он шёл быстрее до тех пор, пока не поравнялся с ней, повернулся и с удивлением улыбнулся. Не верилось в то, что прошло 15 лет. Она заметила его не сразу. Всё её внимание было приковано к витрине магазина. Он дотронулся до рукава её куртки.
3) for 20 years
4) 20 years ago
5) 10 minutes ago
6) two months ago
7) for two months
8) for a long time
9) an hour ago
2) He has been here for a week. (сегодня тоже четверг)
3) It's been raining for an hour.
4) I've known her for two years.
5) I've had it for 23 years.
6) The've been married for six months.
7) She has been studying medicine for three years.
1) I've lived in my town for 10 years (количество лет для себя вставьте)
2) I've been a pupil for ... years (напишите сколько лет вы учітесь в школе)
3) I've been learining English for ... years (напишите сколько лет вы учите англ.)
4) I've had my bicycle fot two years. (вместо велосипеда можно вставить компьютер/телефон или еще что-то)
5) I've knowm my friend for 5 years.
I has beautiful park near my house
I was born in two thousand and six year.
My mother was born in a thousand and nine hundred and seventy seven year.
Teresa went to a Park bench and sat down. She cried, but, fortunately,
nobody noticed. It was the beginning of November, the weather was
overcast, and a cold wind blew and in the Park was a bit of people. A
few people just jogged along the boys played football at the other end
of the Park, and they were far enough away from Theresa. She tried once
again to think everything is calm, but her mind had only one thought.
Teddy! Where could he go? She looked in every corner of the Park,
looking for it, but never found. It was so unlike him.