<span> I feel happy around my parents</span>
My favorite dish is borsch.Borsch is a national dish of Ukraine.My grandmother and my mother fed me this dish since childhood, I recently learned how to cook borsch and then invented my own recipe. The ancient Ukrainians believed that the soul of the deceased leaves the borscht soup. Most of all I love grandmother borsch.Sorri, Mom!
Моє улюблене блюдо - борщ. Борщ - це національне блюдо України. Моя бабуся і мама годували мене цим блюдом з дитинства, я нещодавно навчився готувати борщ, а потім винайшов свій власний рецепт. Стародавні українці вважали, що душа покійного залишає борщовий суп. Найголовніше я люблю бабусю борщу. Соррі, мамо!
It serves the most delicious pilaf. А Амударья - Amudarya
When was a group of farmers digging a well in China?
What did they uncover?
Why were the dead buried with their possessions in ancient China?
How many people worked on building?
Each one of the statues is unique,isn’t it?
Are there around 7,000 or 8,000 soldiers lined up for battle in different pits alongside bronze horses and chariots?
Who made the written language, the money and the laws the same for everyone in China?
Whose tomb was forgotten and remained untouched for 2,000 years?
Is the First Emperor's Tomb a protected UNESCo World Cultural Heritage site?