<span>He must fulfill the necessary task.
Soup, sweet, milk, chocolate, cereal, coffee, salt, chesee
<span>How, then again in the summer, we went with a friend on a bike to swim to cross the river had to drive across the bridge, under the bridge was a pit with nettles. I decided to move girlfriend. got off the bike, and the girlfriend was left to sit on it. Bike outweighed her way and we fell into the pit., nettle stings, bicycle upon us, and we are funny to tears, left silly, but the memory remains)
Jack told his father that he hoped to pass the examination
Henry said to me that the teacher was listening to their
Bob said to Tom that he didn't make mistakes in the last dictation
I told the policeman that I saw the thief in the garden
He said that he hadn't read many English
Bill*s father said that he hadn't cleaned his shoes
Mary said that she didn't want to wear her old dress
My friend told me that we had plenty.of time to do our work
I said to my sister that I hadn't seen my uncle for a long time
Если вы про перевод, то вот:
"Взять питомца к уроку, делать то, что говорит учитель,говорить громко в классе , спать на уроках , рисовать на партах , ответьте на вопросы учителя , сказать "Доброе утро!" на учителя , писать записки друзьям , рисовать на стенах классной комнаты , бегать и прыгать между партами, быть вежливым с другими одноклассниками."