1. went, didn't lock.
2. will have solved.
3. has completed
4. feld, had worked
5. went, wll have passed
6. found, had phoned
7. was not, has gone
8. came, have gor
9. spent, had often heard, seen
10.had gone
11. had submitted
12. was, has never seen
B. It's a mobile phone
C. Ted's a policeman
D. I'm hot
E. You're hungry
B. It isn't a mobile phone
C. Ted isn't a policeman
D. I'm not hot
E. You aren't hungry
B. He is from India
C. She is Kirghiz
D. He is from the USA
E. She is Japanese
F. He is from England
G. She is Russian
H. She is from China
Do относится к действиям и различным работам, например:
1. Делать домашнюю работу.
2. Гладить белье.
3. Мыть посуду.
Make относится к процессу создания, творения. Например:
1. Шить одежду.
2. Готовить завтрак.
Также есть множество устойчивых с этими глаголами, которые нужно просто запомнить.
потому что артикль the показывает, что друг живет на конкретной улице, которую знает главный герой
1 I have just got a letter from my friend.
2 I think I have already done a lot of important things in my life.
3 Jake has finished his homework at 6 pm. It took him an hour to do it.
4 Nelly has finished her task yet.
5 I read a lot when I was a schoolboy.
6 Steve has read this book yet.
7 Did you watch the football match yesterday?
8 My mother has done the shopping today.